Thursday, January 18, 2007


ww, me and CY . Its cold and we are shivering !

Ripple on the grass

Block F, Flat 9 (下雪了)

At last glasgow started snowing... its a romantic moment i guess. Seeing couple hugging each other taking photos, well i am not jealous or envy but maybe i watch too much drama , so my brain just come out with all sorts of funny idea with snow.. :P

Well 今天一早起床就看见外面的天空在飘着白雪。。
好开心哦! 常常在戏里看见下雪,现在真的在我眼前了。

1 comment:

Kain Sicilian said...

"There's no such thing a coincidence. There's only inevitability"
~Tsubasa Chronicles