Well its just an ordinary friday , actually i guess ppl who know me will know why i say this , because usually i go to the place where i have "share" ( my dad always say about it ha.. ha.. ) --- mid valley , loh , where can i go??!! I stay so near to that place so its my second house , Grace always say that my closet is the shops in Med valley , wow that would be fun. Imagine that every morning you just have to go in to the GUESS shop and simply wear it and its your , provided you do not remove the tag and return the clothes in 24 hours time. Ha..ha .. well it would be also funny to see someone wearing a tag walking arond...see i am going crazy soon , because i have been quite lazy and not going out for sometime for this few weekss.... well you maybe will ask that why am i not joining my frens...
Well maybe i dun have frens , just that i do not have a gang among my friends , besides wen wei and ching ying who are the closest classmate of mine , others are like "hi hi and bye bye frens" i wish sometimes i stay in Vista and have more frens , i just hope that i do have more time too... well actually i do work hard in getting more frens but you know girls are girls , not like guys , they do not usually nomad around like guys , girls do stay together with the people they do share secrets before and they keep secrets with each other.. and when people like me do join in ( a bit blur one.. dunno what is happening too..) will be left out , well there are some people who feel the same way with me . and i am very happy that he found his gang already... well lucky that i have two frens at least , i like them and they are nice and caring and of course i think we are close lah... well i think its enough of complaing and commenting about relationship of frens...
So well lucky that i found a place to let out my voice in my inner heart.. sometimes i just need some sspace to release so "gas" well not body gas yah , dun get me wrong hahaa.. that is alll... good day mate , i miss you guys ... yi wen , lai yee, sook fun , pin leng , heng yan , Saxophone section of KC band and also my frens in A level , sometimes i may not keep in touch with you but i do miss you and dream of you sometimes.. take care and frens forever...
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